
从前有个天使,为了个女孩斩断了美丽的翅膀,只为了留在人间照顾着女孩,陪伴着女孩。 就算女孩冷漠的对待,无情的离开,却还是让天使无法忘怀。



但,时间久了,日子长了,天使以忘了斩断翅膀的目的。 慢慢的疏远了女孩,也开始的对女孩冷淡。


慢慢的,女孩也习惯天使的冷漠。 渐渐的他们不再像从前一样。 当天使醒悟了,想要在对女孩好时,女孩以离开了。













the precious thing in my life

Today, as usual, after back from my stall, the first thing i did is log in to my facebook. As usual, the first thing i did is to view your profile. But u didn't post anything since my last view. I saw and shared a video, it inspire me the thought of the day. I was so amazed by the attitude of the young boy which he had lost both of his arm in an accident. However, he did not give up with his life and he had joined a competition and showed everyone his spirit of living. He proves to everyone that he could even do better than us which have a complete organs. He used his toes to play piano. Every notes of the song was hit to my heart and soul deeply. After i watched the video, i look at myself. What did i do for the past of my life?

I had reviewed back to my life, once again u appear in my mind.
I enjoy to cook with you in your mum's kitchen. And always both of us were trying to clean it after the messy cooking.
I enjoy playing around with you on your bed. kicking each other, pickling each other, and even quarrel.
I enjoy every single surprises that u brought for me. The flowers, the necklace and everything.
I enjoy u always look for me at the midnight, just to accompany when i am unhappy.
I enjoy to sing with you, because both of us just like to sing very much.
One year, we had together for one year. Remember how hard you had tried to tie me up by your side? But why it is so easy for us to just leave each other apart?

Since everything is already done. It is useless for me to think back. But i will always put inside my heart, lock it up because i do cherish every memories that we had. 

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